Junior Comp

Sibling Registration Discount

Junior Comp –

Sibling Rego Discount


Wallsend Touch Association offers a discount registration for families who have 3 or more siblings registered to our Junior Comp  

We do not want any barriers preventing kids being able to play touch footy. 


  • Junior Comp only
  • Siblings from same family home (Address will be checked in system)
  • 1st child – pay full Wallsend Touch Registration fee
  • 2nd child – pay full Wallsend Touch Registration fee
  • 3rd child – 50% off Wallsend Touch Registration fee
  • 4th or more children – FREE Wallsend Touch Registration fee
  • $22 National Membership must still be paid for each child when regsitering to team
  • Playing singlet must also be purchased separately and is not part of the discount
Please allow up to 7 days for the voucher/refund to be processed.  If you do not receive the voucher within a week, please send email to – admin@wallsendtouch.com.au 

NOTE – Do not register without the voucher as it will charge you the full registration fee.



How to claim the sibling discount?


Please click on the link below to complete  the claim form


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